Who Do You Trust
who do you trust
Who Do You Trust?: Florists
Ordering up a bouquet for your Valentine this year? Evanston Patch is here to help.
If you don't already have a favorite florist, check our seriously extensive directory of local businesses to see who your neighbors recommend. If you have a long-time relationship with your local flower shop, please leave a review to let your fellow readers know that it's the place to go.
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Carla Krae
Each week we pick a different type of merchant or service to highlight and ask that you share your knowledge of the best and worst in town by leaving a review in our "Places" directory. Let us know if you've got an idea for a category that you'd like to see us cover in an upcoming "Who Do You Trust?"
Here are some Evanston florists to check out this week:
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Angel's Flowers & Gift Shop: 908 Sherman Ave.
Davis Flowers: 1022 Davis St.
Evanston Flowers & Gifts: 2101 Crawford Ave.
FlowersFlowers: 1110 Davis St.
Four Finches: 1320 Sherman Ave.
Ixia Flowers: 1630 Chicago Ave.
MilleFiori!: 1943 Central St.
Natural Things: 2904 Central St.
Preston's Florist: 1726 Central St.
Saville Flowers: 1712 Sherman Ave.
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