









@@@@@@@International Rett Syndrome Association

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ҁFPaul D. Sponseller, M.D.


出典: meddic



  • 体外衝撃波結石破砕術の臨床的検討 (第109回成医会第三支部例会)
  • ウルソデオキシコール酸内服により総胆管結石症を繰り返した症例
  • 古謝 亜紀子,安岡 秀敏,飯田 智広,斎藤 秀一,井上 照基,高草木 智史,今泉 淳
  • The Kitakanto medical journal 61(2), 259-260, 2011-08-19
  • NAID 120003272634


尿路結石(にょうろけっせき)は、尿路系に沈着する結晶の石、もしくは、その石が 詰まってしまう症状。 目次. 1 分類. 1.1 部位による分類; 1.2 成分による分類. 2 治療. 2.1 薬物療法; 2.2 体外衝撃波結石破砕術; 2.3 経尿道的尿管砕石術; 2.4 手術 療法 ...



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「a hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts of the body; "renal calculi can be very painful"」
「the branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions」
infinitesimal calculus
「〈C〉(腎臓内などにできる)結石 / 〈U〉微積分学」


  • a. 経口法は静注法より胆管像が鮮明である
  • b. 経口薬ではヨード過敏は起こらない
  • c. 血清直接ビリルビン5mg/dL以上では造影困難である。
  • d. 胆嚢収縮能の評価にはセクレチンを用いる。
  • e. 断層撮影で結石の種類が判別できる。



  • 海綿腎について適切でないのはどれ?
  • a. 小児期に発見される
  • b. 両側性のことが多い
  • c. 多発性結石を伴うことが多い
  • d. しばしば感染を伴う
  • e. 腎盂造影像で乳頭部に特徴的な所見をみる



医療事務ガイド ホーム坐骨神経痛の基礎知識 坐骨神経痛の判断





Reprint requests to: Dr. Wai Yip-Law Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital.

No. 95, Wen Chang Road, Taipei 111, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is defined as a focal lesion of subarticular bone in which articular cartilage is characterized by fragmentation and possible separation in a joint. The etiology is uncertain, although trauma and ischemia have been implicated. It most commonly affects the knee joint, followed by the elbow and the ankle joints. OCD typically occurs during adolescence or early adulthood, with joint pain and swelling that worsens with activity. From January 2001 to December 2008, 11 patients with OCD were diagnosed using conventional radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). There were seven lesions affecting the knee joint, two lesions in the elbow and two lesions in the ankle, respectively. According to MRI results, two cases were classified as stage I; two cases were classified as stage II; three cases were classified as stage III; and four cases were classified as stage IV. All lesions were confirmed by arthroscopy and pathology.

Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a disorder of ossification involving both bone and cartilage [1]. OCD is the most common cause of loose fragments in the joint space in adolescents and may lead to considerable debility. It most commonly affects the knee joint, followed by the elbow and ankle joints. Very rarely, it affects articulations of the shoulder, hand, wrist, or hip [2]. In the knee joint, about 85% of lesions are on the medial femoral condyle. In the elbow, lesions affect the capitellum of the humerus, and in the ankle the talar dome is most often affected [6, 8, 9]. The etiology of OCD may be multifactorial, including trauma, ischemia, abnormal ossification centers, genetic predisposition, or a combination of these factors [3, 4, 5, 8]. Here we present data on 11 cases of OCD: their clinical course, their radiographic features, and their stages of disease according to archived magnetic resonance images (MRI).


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) records of eleven patients with osteochondritis dissecans of different joints from January 2001 to December 2008 were collected. The age of these patients ranged from 13 yr to 35 yr (mean age: 24 yr). Ten patients were male, and one was female. All patients had received conventional radiographs (anteroposterior and lateral views) and MRIs (Siemens Magnetom Symphony, 1.5T) without intravenous injection of contrast medium. MRIs were configured on T1-weighted spin-echo (520–700/12–20; repetition time in sec/echo time in sec) and T2-weighted spin echo (2900–3200/96–108). Conventional radiography images and MRIs were compared.


Among the 11 patients, there were seven lesions in the knee, two in the elbow, and two in the ankle. No patient had multiple lesions in our study. Seven lesions were completely detected and free in the joint

Imaging Features of Osteochondritis Dissecans







 3月3日の午後4時半から、BS朝日の『メディカル プロジェクト』という30分番組で統合失調症についての特集があった。


















私たちも克服パニック発作の性質を決定することができる前に、私たちはまず、完全に長期パニック発作および条件は、この実際の現象をさらにの意味を理解しようとする必要があります。不安やパニック発作の症状がやや不透明であり、彼らはパニックによって開始されると表示されません。我々はこのことを念頭にクリアする必要があります という不安はどちらも臨床的障害も病気です、それは行動の変化である。











不眠・めまい・耳鳴り 不快症状を解消せよ!































●更新日:2011/12/08 23:10   ●合計閲覧数:450   ●回答数:5   ●お役立ち投票数:25

癌を患っているのですが、最近決まった時間に37度後半~38度前半ぐらいの熱が出ます。こういう症状が3日間ぐらい続いているのですが、それは腫瘍熱ですか。腫瘍熱とい うのは、癌が進行している証なのでしょうか。

回答者  温泉医者 全科
回答日時  2011/12/08 16:56


【8月18日 AFP】米国では、幼稚園のクラスの中でも最年少でその分未発達であるがために注意欠陥・多動性障害(ADHD)と誤って診断される子どもが約100万人に上っている可能性がある。米ミシガン州立大(Michigan State University)が17日発表した。研究結果は、医学誌「Journal of Health Economics」に掲載される。

 同大(Michigan State University)のトッド・エルダー(Todd Elder)氏が、児童1万2000人あまりを調査したところ、ADHDと診断される確率は、幼稚園の同じ学年の中でも最年少のグループが最年長のグループより60%高いことが分かった。このクラスの園児が小学校5年生、同8年生に成長した時点で、最年少グループに処方されたADHDの薬の量は、最年長グループの倍以上に上っていた。

















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「自傷行為 実証的研究と治療指針」
B. W. ウォルシュ, P. M. ローゼン著 松本俊彦・山口亜希子訳

第8章 精神遅滞と自閉症における自損行為

自傷行為(self-multilative behavior ; SMB)
自損行為(self-injurious behavior ; STB)

・消去(Hamilton, Stephen, & Allen, 1967 ; Tate & Baroff, 1966 ; Fester, 1961)
・タイムアウト法(Wolf, Rinsley, & Mees, 1964 ; Hamilton et al., 1967)
・拮抗する行動に対する正の強化(Corte, Wolf, & Locke, 1971 ; Repp, Deiz, & Deiz, 1976)
・自損行為の頻度が低い状態への強化(Deiz & Repp, 1973 ; Schaefer, 1970)

上記の技法が自損行為を減少させることに成功し、また、自損行為の精神生理学的レベルでの理解が深まるにつれて、自損行為の病因に関してもいくつかの理論的仮説が提唱されるようになった。Carr (1977)による4つの仮説は以下の通り。自損行為は複数の要因が相互に関係しあうことで出現している症例もあり、いくつかの要因が独立したまま存在し、その結果として自損行為が出現している症例もある。



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住環境におけるトイレの有り方についても、再考が必要かもしれない。汚いものとして水で流すだけで本当に良いのだろうか。Ecological Sanitation(生態学的な衛生処理)という考え方がある。具体的には、山小屋などに設置されているバイオトイレ(コンポストイレ)のように、微生物の分解能力で堆肥化する。昔の肥溜めに似ているが、一定の温度を保ったオガクズを便槽とし、それを攪拌して微生物の活動を維持するため、殆ど無臭のようである。温度の維持や攪拌の動力に電力が必要な点は工夫が必要だが、生ゴミの処理も兼ねることができる。生ゴミ処理機といえば、なるべく水分を除去して投入しなければならないものだと思っていたが、バイオトイレの場合、逆にある程度水分が必要なので、そのまま投入した方がよい。





By Dr. Joseph Mercola





















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血圧とは 高血圧症とは 原因 症状 診断 治療








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On 2004/07/12, メールにて恐縮ですが、 私は現在、精索静脈瘤の治療に関して、悩んでおります。





















クリント・イーストウッドがレオナルド・ディカプリオを主演に迎え、半世紀にわたって"影の独裁者"としてアメリカを牛耳った初代FBI長官ジョン・エドガー・フーバーの実像に迫った『J・エドガー』。レオ&イーストウッド監督、さらにフーバーの部下のクライド・トルソンを演じたアーミー・ハマー、同じく部下のギャンディに扮したナオミ・ワッツ、脚本を手がけたダスティン・ランス・ブラックが顔を揃えての異色の座談会の模様をお届け! 後編となる今回は、劇中のキャラクターたちの強く結びついた、そして時にいびつにすら映る関係性をどのように捉え、演じたのかをレオたちが語り合い、さらにイーストウッド監督が自らの"現在"について語り明かす。

――レオは本作のフーバー役だけでなく、ハワード・ヒューズ(『アビエイター』)、さらにはセオドア・ルーズベルト(『The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt』)など歴史的な人物を演じていますが、そうした歴史的人物に特に惹かれる理由は?







351:秋田の名無 11/15 11:45



352:秋田の名無 11/15 23:45
今頃 >>5 にですか・・・・・・
353:秋田の名無 11/17 12:44
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2012年3月14日、オンコロジー関連の製品サイトを統合し、ノバルティス オンコロジー ~がん領域への取り組み~として、 お客様により便利にお使いいただくため、統合しリニューアルを実施いたしました。


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Government defeat over NHS bill | Child Rearing

The government has lost a House of Lords vote on its controversial plans to overhaul the NHS in England.

The first of those debated on Wednesday – demanding that the health secretary ensures that mental health care is treated as importantly as physical health care by the NHS – was put forward cross-bencher Lord Patel, and passed by a by 244 votes to 240.

Three Liberal Democrats – Lord Alliance, Lord Carlile of Berriew and Baroness Tonge – rebelled against the government.

Peers accepted a government-backed amendment specifying that the health secretary retains "ministerial responsibility to Parliament for the provision of the health service in England".

Several more amendments – all discussing the powers and responsibilities of the health secretary – were debated.

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mood ring colors and what they mean » Fashion Picture

brief .straightforward guide: what do the different mood ring colors mean?.

chacha has the answer to this question: what does it mean when a mood ring is red or pink answer: pink/red is the color of passion .of anger, or excitement over.

see what the mood ring color meanings really mean.


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The Chandilier That Made Me Rich

"I remember it like it was just the other day. My Father and I were out on another one of our yard sale runs. We did it just about every weekend, hitting up all the yard sales we could find and hear about throughout the week. This particular run was going pretty bad so far, and with only two places left to go, I had little hope in turning it around. Right off the bat, it was a strange yard sale.

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IIS 7.5 redirecting - ASP.NET

Redirection of URLs may occur for low-level URLs (specific URLs within the Web site such as www.isp.com/products/index.html) when you reorganise the web site, but is relatively uncommon for the top-level URLs (such as www.isp.com) which most CheckUpDown users ask us to check. So this error should be fairly infrequent.

The 302 response from the Web server should always include an alternative URL to which redirection should occur. If it does, CheckUpDown automatically tries the alternative URL. This in turn may possibly lead to another redirection which CheckUpDown then tries. This continues for a maximum of 5 redirections. As soon as 5 redirections have occurred, CheckUpDown gives up and reports the 302 error for your account.


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Kroenke & Other Dodgers Bidders Have One Week To Submit Revised Bids

Good thing the St. Louis Rams hired a new general manager to help run the show at Rams Park, because the team's owner, Stan Kroenke, is going to be very busy over the next week. The 11 parties bidding on the Los Angeles Dodgers, which includes Kroenke, have been asked by the Blackstone Group to submit a revised bid within the next week, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Along with their revised bids, Kroenke and the others must identify investors, provide financing details and attach a five-year business plan for the franchise. The highlight of that business plan will likely revolve around the team's lucrative television rights.


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Top 10 Tips to Remove Stains on Kids Clothes

It's impossible to have kids who don't dirty their clothes. If you have kids, it is likely that you have to do an amazing amount of laundry. Don't get frustrated or irritable with your kids when you can't get stubborn stains off their clothes. With a few simple tricks, you can easily remove all sorts of stains.

1. Understanding the stain

Different stains require different methods of cleaning. Don't wash all types of stains together. See what type of stain it is first. Kids mostly come up with grass, paint, and dirt stains.

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Who Do You Trust?: Florists

Ordering up a bouquet for your Valentine this year? Evanston Patch is here to help.

If you don't already have a favorite florist, check our seriously extensive directory of local businesses to see who your neighbors recommend. If you have a long-time relationship with your local flower shop, please leave a review to let your fellow readers know that it's the place to go.


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The Grey, starring Liam Neeson — Rita Welty Bourke

The Grey, starring Liam Neeson, is such a travesty, I hardly know where to begin. This movie is so bad, it offends on so many levels, its so full of misinformation, I truly want my money back.

In one of the first scenes, Neeson kills a wolf. The camera goes in for a closeup. Blood from her head and mouth spreads over the snow. She does not move, but her belly continues to rise and fall. Is she still breathing, or is she carrying pups? Neeson goes to her, lays his hand on her belly, and the movement stops. The camera cuts to a closeup of Neesons face; hes old and hes tired. Hes killed a wolf. If theres meaning to this senseless act, well have to wait to discover it.

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New Executive Overview Highlights the Health Benefits of Carpeting

RACINE, Wis., Feb 13, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) –
Industries today introduced a new executive overview highlighting
the health benefits of carpeting. Supported by extensive peer-reviewed
research presented and published at the International Conferences on
Indoor Air and Climate (ISIAQ), the full-color overview showcases
studies that reveal that carpeting maintained using Racine's HOST Dry
Extraction System improves indoor air quality (IAQ) and reduces the
number of airborne particulates and allergens. The new information is
particularly relevant in the wake of a recent CNN report(1)
highlighting the negative impact of poor IAQ on student learning.


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Magazine names Johnson City one of nation's best cities for attending medical school

East Tennessee State University's James H. Quillen College of Medicine has landed on the top 10 list of a national magazine that named Johnson City one of the best cities in the United States to attend medical school.

For its January/February issue, PreMedLife researched and compiled the "Top 10 Cities for Medical School." Published in New York City for pre-medical students, PreMedLife not only ranked Johnson City among its top 10 but also christened it to be the magazine's "editor's choice."

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Federal Tax Deadline Extended To April 17, 2012

Traditionally, federal income taxes must be filed with the IRS on, or before, April 15 each year. The date has become such a part of U.S. culture that many people simply call it "Tax Day".

This year, however, for the 3rd time in 7 years, your federal income taxes will not be due April 15. Instead, because of a combination of the calendar, a holiday, and tax law, Tax Day 2012 is delayed until Tuesday, April 17.

You will have two extra days to prepare and file your federal income taxes this year. 


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What the World Will Never Take – HILLSONG UNITED

Send "What the World Will Never Take" Ringtone to your Cell

With all I'm holding inside
With all my hopes and desires
And all the dreams that I've dreamt

With all I'm hoping to be
And all that the world will bring
And all that fails to compare

You say You want all of me
I wouldn't have it any other way

I've got a Saviour and He's living in me
Whoa, I wanna know
I wanna know You today

And You're the best thing
That has happened to me
And the world will never take
The world will never take You away

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Troubleshooting Your Garbage Disposal | Golden Wisdom Nuggets

Hommes, extremely first disposers were dropped at the market in the 1940s thanks to his Insink – Erator Company which developed merchandise for a period of time of eleven years. Two kinds of waste disposers, the continuous feed and batch feed systems, are available that you can choose from. Continuous feed disposers feature convenience while the batch feed types are likely to be safer to have on account of a feature that waits for that lid to close beginning the shredding process, eliminating possible problems for the members of the family. The only hustle is its cumbersome operation process which is a compact price to pay for for anybody, especially children, to lose his / her her finger. Garbage disposal reviews furthermore suggest waste disposers with internal mechanisms that are more corrosion proof rather than being corrosion resistant, thereby preventing future rusting. If you're putting in a whole new disposal, it is important to have all the appropriate measurements in tact, or you'll end up with a lousy option that is either too small in order to big in your needs. The above 3 things to remember could be disposable start, but out of them, you must ensure that you simply're considering garbage disposer reviews as your main source of knowledge. There are loads of options during these modern times we are in, and narrowing them down is difficult, but it surely's not impossible. The key is to set aside a listing of desires, and providing them with met through the free inventory in stores and online today. If you're planning to spend your money on something you wish to make sure you're getting a top of the range product in a fair price. Asking For Problems – It is unquestionably tempting to only dump everything into the big hole in the sink and flip the switch, but that's asking for trouble. I actually know of one situation in which a guy was dropping eggshells down his disposal. He must have eaten plenty of eggs for the reason that crushed up shells coated the inside his kitchen drain pipe and finally stopped it up entirely. Put The Big Chunks Somewhere Else – Hopefully that story shows how important it's to be aware how you use your garbage disposer. Put bigger scraps and trimmings in either the garbage or a compost pile and make use of disposal for your small stuff that may otherwise get rinsed down the sink. But they're all somewhat prone to getting clogged if some basic guidelines aren't followed. The Best Garbage Disposal – People often wonder what is the most effective garbage disposal to get to avoid these issues. Without going into a full blown garbage disposal review, a good plan is to settle on a model with the highest horsepower rating your financial allowance allows. And ensure that the model you select has a solution to manually turn the shaft if this gets stopped up. It Makes A Difference How You Use It – No matter what sort of garbage disposal you've, how you employ it has more in order to with how well functions than what brand or model it is. It's easy to check and contrast the features diverse models too as price differences. Shopping online also permits you to easily get feedback from other folks that have purchased and used a selected model that you are considering. With that information readily available it's much easier to be confident that you are making the best decision. When buying a garbage disposer unit there are a couple of key factors to look at and research so as to determine which disposal is good for you. Among an important factors to take a look at are horsepower, feed type (continuous or batch feed), and durability.


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Helpful Tips To Improve Your Photography Skills

Everyone wants to be a master photographer. But it's not as easy as grabbing a camera and shooting a masterpiece. There's a lot of work photographers put into taking magnificent photos. Below are a few tips and tricks that can give you a leg up on the other amateurs and have you on your way to taking great photos. Do you have any ideas at this stage? No question, we are just getting going with all that can be known about How to Speak good English. We have found other folks think these points are valuable in their search. At times it can be tough to get a distinct picture until you discover more. So what we suggest is to really try to discover what you need, and that will usually be decided by your circumstances.

The concluding talk will solidify what we have revealed to you up to this point.

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Common vaccinations for tropical holidays abroad

Your flights and accommodation are booked, your passport is in date and your flip-flops are ready to be packed for your holiday abroad, but have you covered all the travel requirements? If you're panning on jetting off to a tropical destination, then chances are you may need to be vaccinated before you go to prevent contracting any diseases.

Holidays abroad offer a fantastic chance to experience a new culture in a fascinating new country. But immersing yourself in a new way of life can leave you susceptible to illnesses you wouldn't normally encounter at home.

Don't be put off by this though; once you're vaccinated you can make the most of a holiday abroad without worrying about returning feeling unwell rather than relaxed and refreshed.


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10 Tips to Save Water

Advice from Ernst van Jaarsveld…

We featured Ernst van Jaarsveld's Waterwise Gardening book in our November issue last year, as it is the perfect guide for those of us withindigenous gardens. It offers helpful advice on the subjectof saving water and outlines the various plants that are conducive to saving water in a South African climate.

HL caught up with Ernst to find out what tips we should bear in mind when trying to save water in our gardens…

1.Reduce your lawn

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How long will my Shingles last and be contagious to people who have not had Chicken Pox?

I was recently diagnosed with shingles. It is extremely painful and I can barely function. They started me on Valtrex yesterday. My problem is that I am due with a baby is 2 1/2 WEEKS. The Doctor said that if my Shingles are not gone then my baby will get chicken pox. Does anyone know how long it should take to go away with my Valtrex.


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Spag bol voted worst first date food » 72Point

A plate of messy Spaghetti Bolognese has been voted the worst meal to eat on a first date.

Fears of splattering clean clothes with tomato sauce made the popular Italian dish the top no-no.

In second place were spare ribs, which were found to be too sticky, fiddly and made diners look 'ungainly' when gnawing the bones.

In third place was the French dish of snails, according to the poll by The Food Network.

Similarly, mussels were voted in fourth place due to having to tease each one from the shell leaving diners with wet fingers.

The study also found that nearly two thirds of people said they get nervous about eating dinner in front of someone on a first date.

And one in five said it would completely turn them off a new partner if they couldn't eat their food properly.

But a more sympathetic 52 per cent said it would make them warm to their date if they got in a mess with their food.

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Do Height Increasing Exercises Really Work?

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

In the process of conducting research on methods to get taller, many people stumble across a plethora of websites and advertisements claiming that exercise can make you taller. Is this really true? The answer is yes and no. Read on to learn more.

Exercise, joined with a sound nutritional routine and proper posture, can be valuable to your system in a several alternative ways. Doing exercises to extend height while you are young and are still growing are likely to aid you in becoming taller, but it's crucial you remember that during this period of time, your body still has a great deal of growing to accomplish. Exercises and stretches sets loose height growth hormones, which accelerate and improve growth spurts.


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Journeys Of Joy: The Bully Talk

Bullying has again been in the news lately.  I feel so sorry for people who get bullied.  It hurts peoples self esteem.  And it has gotten worse over the years where they seriously hurt people.  What is wrong with people.  It can change a child, but if you look back, maybe it will just make you stronger as a person.  I pray it will stop some day, but as we know there will always be another bully and another shy child.  Why they do it, who knows, to make themselves look bigger and better, for whom?  I say hurting people, hurt people.  Now I think I will share my story about my bullying experience, and we all have one, either being bullied, being the bully, or seeing someone be bullied.  So here goes.

I was always the shy, quiet child.  Got a little bullied here and there, but the time I remember most is when we moved quite a bit so in grade 6, I spent the second half of the year in our local town school.  So I was new and not easy to make friends so it started.

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Wondering how to get rid of ingrown hair?

Do traditional hair removal methods, like waxing and shaving, leave you wondering how to get rid of ingrown hairs?

Then you may be interested to know that one of the many benefits of laser hair removal at Laser By Sia is finally getting rid of ingrown hairs.

Yep, that's right, from your very first session at Laser By Sia, any ingrown hairs will instantly start healing and no more will appear!


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New Orleans celebrates anniversary of steamboat

NEW ORLEANS (AP).- Two hundred years ago, the first steamboat meandered down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, taking more than four months to reach New Orleans. The journey was marked by Indians chasing the paddle-wheeled boat, a baby's birth and an earthquake that made the Mississippi flow in the opposite direction for 45 miles.

Despite it all, the steamboat New Orleans successfully sailed into the city it was named for, revolutionizing business for the port, and opening up the Midwest to economic growth.

The 200th anniversary of the first docking was celebrated Saturday along the banks of the Mississippi and at the Cabildo museum in the French Quarter. The museum has a related exhibit: New Orleans Bound 1812: The Steamboat that Changed America.

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cherokeehumanities.com » Blog Archive » Porcelain Tiles Vs . Ceramic Tiles – What is Best In your case?

When selecting the right tiles to your dwelling will become seriously confusing, why not try out evaluating porcelain tiles versus ceramic tiles now.

Differing types of tiles can be found while in the market place as of late and since on the quite wide selection of selections, many individuals come across it hard to opt for the best type of tiles for their households. Having said that, there are two most favored styles of tiles that narrowed down the various alternatives and these are typically the porcelain and ceramic tiles. But however people tend to be bewildered among both of these preferred alternatives given that they are equally composed in almost identical material factors. Because of this, we have been likely to tell apart every single style through the other.


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What Are The 9 Types Of Mountain Biking?

Mountain biking has 9 different categories. These categories are very versed in what they offer. They are:

What is BMX? In BMX style, the bikes offer 20 inch wheels. These bikes are commonly used at skate parks or with dirt jumps. Tricks and stunts are easier to perform with BMX bikes because they have smaller wheels and shorter wheel bases.

Facts about cross country. Riding your bike up and down hills is what this type of mountain biking is all about. Although it's the least extreme form of mountain biking, most cross country riders are very fit and go on long rides.

Cyclo cross. This is a cross between road and mountain biking. Racing on and off course, going over obstacles, and crossing through rivers is what these riders would do.

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Wiring & Cabling Companies In Covington – Fiber Optics, Cat5, Cat 6, And Structured Cabling Quotes

Welcome to TPC Communications channel that combines many types of media such as telephones Add Ons Carrier Services About Us Solution Data Cabling Apr 1 2000 12:00 PM (PST) Like Reply Link Flag E mail Verizon FiOS TV other assets Empire City Subway Annual Revenue : $75. Commercial Building Telecomm Equipment SCSI Cables Ethernet cable lengths between network definition from Whatis. Category 5E back Bone Cabling Audio/Video Connectors Extender box.

This is for generic cabling for premises On premises On premises. Lines patched into the future. We trust to keep your network. this can be put into perspective by considering an extranet cannot compare to FIOS. Congressional wire and connectors Heat Shrink: HOME 2:1 Heatshrink Tubing Insulate support to be accessed by different emails or edit that stop you.

  • The USOC/RJ 61 standard Wiring & Cabling Companies in Covington – Fiber Optics, Cat5, Cat 6, and Structured Cabling Quotes is used in schools are Ethernet Bare Copper Cable Bulk Coaxial Cable ComputerCableStore?;

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Mobile Catering How To Start In Business

Interested in starting a mobile catering business? If you are not sure what this is about or would like to know more, stay here and we will do our best to answer all your questions..

Such As:

  • What is a mobile catering small business
  • How do I get started?
  • Legal Requirements and Hours of Work?.
  • How much money can I make?
  • Pros and Cons

Tell Me More About Mobile Catering

A Mobile Catering small business opportunity is basically providing hot food/drink service to people or business in a location where this service is not currently available. A remote location perhaps or even when there's no other food service providers locally.

This service is provided by you in the form of your own catering trailer (a catering trailer is a kitchen on wheels where you prepare, cook and serve food ready to sell to the public

People like the convenience of a mobile catering trailer and a good mobile catering trailer should cover a range of hot and cold foods ranging from the usual burgers/rolls to sandwiches to other healthy eating options such as salads and vegetarian snacks.

Food can be prepared to customers requirements so it is not like other typical fast food providers where everything is mass produced in advance, the customer has a far greater say in how their food is cooked.

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The Facts Behind The Power Plate – Could It in Truth Produce Weight Loss Results?

Although we're all on a quest to slim down and get in shape, we all would like to find a program that could help us cast off those extra pounds without being forced to take additional time from our day. Most commonly we will turn to an exercise program that will only require us to spend a small amount of our free time working out at the gym, or a diet that forces us to leave all the foods we like. Here are the facts behind the power plate and how it can facilitate your weight loss while improving your health, taking only small portions of time from your day.


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WIMCIP Articles » Finding The Best Mortgage Rates Today

There is no one organization that can lay claim to always being able to offer the best mortgage rates all the time. There are lending institutions, of all types, who are dedicated to presenting an extremely competitive selection of rates and closing costs combined with a superior level of customer service.

Today, various institutions will promote their particular package of home ownership services, using numerous online and traditional advertising venues that are available. These guidelines can be set, by each individual company, with current relevant rates and fees, but they can differ from one company to another company.

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Mobile Broadband Developer Stoke Names Communications Industry Pioneer Charles Corbalis as Vice President of Engineering

SANTA CLARA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Mobile Broadband innovator Stoke, Inc. has named Charles Corbalis as Vice President of Engineering. Corbalis joins from RGB Networks where he was Vice President of Engineering. He was previously co-founder of optical switch company Calient Networks and StrataCom, Inc, where he led the development of breakthrough communications industry technologies.

"I am very pleased to welcome him to our senior team."

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7 Simple Rules For What You Should Be Eating Right Now

By Nick Nilsson

What you eat on a daily basis determines just about everything you can possibly imagine that goes with your body...your health, mental energy, body composition, athletic performance...you name it and what you eat has an impact on it.

These 7 simple rules are here to give you a little nudge in the right direction and make things a little easier for you in your own daily choices.

Rule #1 - If your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize it, don't eat very much of it
Many of the highly-processed pseudo-foods weren't around 50 years ago. Food was more "real" back then and it's an ideal you should strive for now. This basically means choose foods that are less processed and closer to their natural state. Notice I didn't say "don't eat it"...which leads me to Rule #2...

Rule #2 - No food ultimatums
The moment you say "I will never have pizza again," you will immediately start thinking about how much you miss having pizza, even if you hardly eat pizza to begin with. It's like telling somebody not to think about elephants...you just did it, didn't you :). Same idea with food. That's why I never tell myself I can never have something...if I've got a specific goal and that food won't help me achieve it, I just say it's not on my list right now and I can have it later. No big deal.


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Crushed in the Sicilian Najdorf « Coderyder's Weblog

In round 3 of the local city championship my young opponent completely crushed me with the Siclian Najdorf. You can replay the whole game here. I wasn't really prepared for the Najdorf and was actually happy to remember my opening variation. This didn't really help because two passive moves in the early middlegame were enough for Black to start a strong attack.

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Seafood Round Up: Week of 1/25-1/31 : Cook, Coupon, Work

Here is the list of all this weeks best sale prices for Seafood.

Ahi Tuna Fillets $9.99/lb Sunflower

Basa Fillets $4.99/lb Sunflower

Buffalo Fish Whole $1.98/lb Pro's

Calimari Chunks Cooked $2.99/lb El Super

Catfish Fillet $5.99/lb Albertson's

Catfish Nuggets $1.99/lb Food City

Cod Fillets Wild Alaskan Previously Frozen $6.99/lb Safeway

Crab Clusters Colossal Snow 12 up size $9.99/lb Albertson's

Dover Sole Fillets Fresh (weather permitting) $7.99/lb Safeway

Fish Sticks Breaded Or Fish Portions $2.78 Pro's

Pink Salmon Fillets 1.1lb package frozen $5 – Friday/Monday Only Safeway


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Cumberland Returns to Football Drills

Did some football drills for the first time today in four month felt good and looked good doing them...ill be back to the old me+ in no time

Glad to see that Jeff Cumberland's return to football is going well. Hopefully he should be ready to get back on the football field soon.


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Common mistakes in English-(Part 2) « www.hamzayeva.com – My Personal Blog

Here is the 2nd part of my post about "Common mistakes in English ":

Apart vs a part

Apart (adv) separated by distance or time.

For example: I always feel so lonely when we're apart.

A part (noun) a piece of something that forms the whole of something.

For example: They made me feel like I was a part of the family.

Been vs Gone

been is the past participle of be

gone is the past participle of go

Been is used to describe completed visits. So if you have been to England twice, you have travelled there and back twice. If you have gone to England, you have not yet returned.

Now you've been and gone and done it!

Beside vs besides

beside is a preposition of place that means at the side of or next to.

For example: The house was beside the Thames.

besides is an adverb or preposition. It means in addition to or also.

For example: Besides water, we carried some fruit. = "In addition to water, we carried some fruit."

Bored vs Boring

bored is an adjective that describes when someone feels tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because they have nothing to do.

For example: She was so bored that she fell asleep.

boring is an adjective that means something is not interesting or exciting.

For example: The lesson was so boring that she fell asleep. 

!Note Most verbs which express emotions, such as to bore , may use either the present or the past participle as an adjective, but the meaning of the participles is often different.

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Trying to provide the autograph of an favourite athletic person to your collection is like actively playing a gameplay. You ought to gather info, plan techniques and analyse locations and conditions; even the weather can are likely involved in your calculations.

Many fans and autograph hobbyists have followed the stars of sport activity since childhood. They remember the days when it was the norm to stand outside stadiums and practice good reason, sometimes freezing along with the cold and also boiling inside heat but determined to obtain that autograph.

Today, many things have changed for any sports autograph enthusiast. With protection aspects in play for any almost "Godlike" activities celebrity, the progress and increasing of information has grown to be more complicated and uses a particular kind of expertise. The guidelines and playing the game have changed drastically.


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Tie Dyed Shirts – See You Small children Dress in Precisely the same Clothes All Summer time Extended

Do this job with the young people for the beginning of the summer season therefore you will see them put on everything summer season extended – their particular summer season uniform. Other content articles of garments may very well be tie dyed way too cotton shorts and jeans may very well be accomplished in its place or concurrently.

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Primary Colors in Rothenburg, Germany | Flickr

Rothenburg is a very neat little Medieval town in the region of Bavaria, Germany. The architecture and details of this town are just so beautiful, and it's hard to go very far without seeing a unique composition for a photograph. I loved the shape and designs of these particular buildings as well as the combination of colors with the sky as a backdrop.


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The Fun Things To Do During Your Visit To New York « EraNostra

New York City is one strange and wonderful place to visit. Here, you will be able to see and meet different people as well as see a different and exciting new world. New York City will be able to provide everyone with virtually everything they want to experience during their vacation. So, if you are considering going on a vacation, you may want to try going on a New York vacation. Here, you can be sure that you will be able to have lots of fun and have an experience that you will never soon forget.

As mentioned before, New York can cater to everyone's needs. Whether you like music, sports, or art, you can be sure that New York will be able to give it to you.


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Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Fast Dry Nail Color in Bronze Ablaze

Do you ever have one of those moments when you're in a drugstore and you see a new polish display, a bottle catches your eye, you pick it up, look it over, and then go "Ehh... it's not that cool." and you put it back? But then you can't stop thinking about that color, so you decide to get it next time you're at the store, only to find that it's the only color missing from every display?

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Warren County Engineer to head state engineer's association

Warren County Engineer Neil Tunison has been named president of the County Engineer's Association of Ohio (CEAO).

Tunison was sworn in to his new position in December by Ohio State Rep. Ron Maag.  He will serve in the role for one year.

The CEAO serves as a central point for reference and discussion of mutual issues for county engineers in Ohio.  The majority of Ohio's 88 counties elect a county engineer.


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The Witches' Sabbath | Aubrey's Blog

It is a lowering, disturbing sight a vision that stridesthe jagged edge between art and illness. Its cloven hooves balance on a precipice as it looks downward into a pit where reality and madness, swirling like cats, battle for superiority. Casualties science, reason, ignorance, insanity: every faculty of the human mind lie discarded and untended on the killing fields. Only fear remains: the robust hunter that seeks the mind of both everyman and madman.

A sick crescent moon huddles in the corner. It sinks into a twilight that melts into a horizonrippling with lavender and sapphire. Alone and betrayed, the lunar refugee rides the blue columns of an empty, ominous sky, illuminating the inverted ceremony below.
